Brian Casel

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I sold my business, Audience Ops

Big news! All the details inside... ‌ ‌ ‌ Well, it's official. The productized service business that I started 6.5 years ago now has a new owner. I'm sold Audience Ops to my friend, JD Graffam.
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Productize this Black Friday

This week only I'm offering a new async coaching option ‌ ‌ ‌ I know this is one of many Black Friday emails in your inbox today so I'll keep this brief: My flagship training on Productized
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A special async coaching option (this week only)

I'm trying something new this December 2021 ‌ ‌ ‌ This year for my 2021 Black Friday deal on Productize, I wanted to offer something new and special. I'm calling it "Async Coaching".
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Is it time?

A message to think about this December ‌ ‌ ‌ Happy Saturday. This weekend, I want to ask you (or better yet, I want you to ask you)this question: Is it time? You could coast on, taking project after
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From solo-preneur to manager-preneur

Managing people doesn't have to be terrible. ‌ ‌ ‌ I receive a lot of questions about hiring first employees and the fear of going from working solo to managing a team. So I wrote up my guide to
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ZipMessage is now open

I invite you to try it! ‌ ‌ ‌ Hey, I've got some exciting news to share today :) ZipMessage, the new product I've been focused on this year, is now out of "early access" and open to
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How I launched and grew Audience Ops

Several years in. Let's have a look back at how I built this company... ‌ ‌ ‌ By now you've probably heard me mention Audience Ops, my productized content marketing service business, which I
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The anti-agency

Don't worry. I'll explain. ‌ ‌ ‌ I wrote an article about something—a word, really—that's been on my mind through the years. That word is: Anti-Agency As I worked to refine my productized
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Processes don't work

A new video course on a better way to design processes. ‌ ‌ ‌ But smart processes do work... I'll explain. First, the TL;DR: I created a video course called Process Automation for service companies
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Know someone for this role?

I'm hiring! Plus a ZipMessage update ‌ ‌ ‌ Hey there — My work on ZipMessage (my newest product) has been moving fast so I thought I'd touch base with an update! TL;DR: I'm looking to hire
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A faster way to profit

An unlikely path, but let me tell you, it works. ‌ ‌ ‌ How much do you make? Don't answer that. It's none of my business. But it is your business. When you're responsible for paying your
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Why I built Sunrise KPI

Do you know your numbers? Which numbers am I talking about? Your KPIs. Key Performance Indicators for your busienss. Your traffic, revenue, subscribers, conversions, sales, and whatever else is
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Build an Engine, Not a Job

You know what your biggest hurdle is when you're starting up something new? It's not building a product, or getting customers. It's burnout. You lose steam on doing the work before that
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I made some videos

Watch me work... ‌ ‌ ‌ I believe the best way to learn is by doing. The next best way after that? Watch someone else work and learn from them. That's what I try to do on my YouTube channel.
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Having "something" to sell

I was having a conversation with one the members in my Productize community, and something he said really stood out to me. He was responding to my question, what do you see as your biggest challenge
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I made the tool I (really) wanted.

The story behind why I built ProcessKit... ‌ ‌ ‌ What do you think about this? The software tools that run our businesses typically fall into one of two buckets: There are those that we stick with for
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Get promoted when you're self employed

There's a way we can level up too. ‌ ‌ ‌ Nothing beats being your own boss, am I right? But at certain point, you'll begin to ask yourself questions like, “Where is this going? Will I be doing
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ZipMessage invites are starting this month

Updates on my newest product, FAQ, and when invites are sending. ‌ ‌ ‌ Hey there — Since I've been heads down on building ZipMessage this year, I thought I'd come up for air and share more
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Introducing, the Productize & our private community

My flagship program and community. Now open. ‌ ‌ ‌ Tired of the billable hours hustle? The Productize course and community is here to help you step up to a business model that scales. Click here to see
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10x your hourly rate. Possible?

Today I'm going to share my most important lesson with you. I'm going to show you can 10x your personal hourly rate this year. That may seem like a bold statement, and it is. But it's